This is a review of the Mark Benevolent Fund activity in 2021. The pdf you can download contains full information of all the monies raised and the good causes and charities that received help over the last twelve months.

A Message from the President of the MBF
As 2021 drew to its close I am sure that you, like me, were already noting diary entries for 2022 and wondering what the New Year would bring. Of course, we cannot know what is in the future but it is certain that there will be many more applications from our Brethren and their families and other charities from outside Freemasonry for help of one sort or another. 2021 was a particularly traumatic year at times for many people. We can only hope that with the help of our clinicians and those tasked with finding a cure, that they will succeed and we can return to some form of normality again.

You will soon realise, looking through the figures illustrated in this publication, just how many cases are considered by The Trustees through the course of a year helping to distribute the monies so generously donated by yourselves. I thank you all, not only for your generosity, but the effort so many of you put into helping our own Brethren and their families in times of difficulty.

I would like to urge you to attend the MBF presentations in your Provinces, if it is appropriate, and experience the joy and sometimes relief your generosity brings when the recipients receive our help, in whatever form it takes. You must remember that it is the donations, made by yourselves, that give the Mark Benevolent Fund the ability to help so many others.

Lastly, I would like, on your behalf, to take this opportunity to thank all of The Trustees and all of the Support Staff at Mark Masons' Hall for all their hard work in making sure that things run smoothly.

I wish you all a happy and healthy New Year.

V.W.Bro. John Bell, P.G.M.O.
President of the Mark Benevolent Fund

Fund Activity Summary

Pie Chart

Click here to download the full report.

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